Monday, July 23, 2007

Object Oriented Systems Development: Using the Unified Modeling Language

I teach Object Oriented Analysis and Design in a University in Pakistan. I taught this course two times before and I am teaching this course third time. I happend to come across this book in a book store. It seems good to me, I bought it. In my point of view it is the best starting book on this topic. Now I am using this as my text book for teaching the course. Previoulsy, I had to consult so many books to make students understand the history, purpose and meaning of object orientation. I did a lot of research. I consulted OMT by Rambaugh, OOAD with applications by Booch, OOSE by Jackobson then Applying UML by Graig Larman, Applying Use cases and so on. After seeing this book, I believe, all my problems have been solved. It is concise, to the point and comprehensive starter to understand this subject.

I would strongly recommend this book to those people who are new in this area and want to have a strong grip on the subject.

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